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Year 2 - week 4

Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 8:22pm

Year 2 have really impressed me this week in Science with their knowledge of what humans and animals need to survive.  We discussed 8 things that are important: oxygen, food, water, love and care, friends and family, medical care, shelter/homes and exercise.  We discussed that 3 of these are essential to survival:  oxygen, food and water, and that without these we would struggle to survive.

This week, I have set the children some Science homework to research and find out about taking care of a household pet; this is in preparation for some written work we will complete in class next week.  Homework is due Wednesday 7th October and can be completed online via Seesaw or on the paper copy sent home.

In Topic, the children wrote some sentences to describe what Scutari hospital was like.  They were disgusted to find out that there weren’t enough beds for the soldiers, that it was smelly and unhygienic and infested with insects.

My superstar winner this week is Oliver S for trying very hard to be adventurous and try new foods at lunchtime.  I’m pleased to say that he has found some new foods that he likes – excellent Oliver!

My Christian value winner for this week is Amber Rose.  She has been reading lots and lots at home; she’s been eager to learn in school and completed her homework in super quick time.  Amber-Rose is keen to grow her knowledge and wisdom – fantastic!!

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