Year 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Hilton
Year 3 class teacher
Hello and welcome to Year 3 with Miss Hilton and Mrs Pritchard.
Here is our Y3 'Meet the Teacher' presentation. I have also attached a copy of the presentation in the files below (with our knowledge organisers etc.).
Here are some reminders of our weekly routine:
The school day starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.15pm. We ask that children line up at 8.50am, when the bell rings - an adult will then come to bring them inside. We will also escort the children out at 3.15pm, to be collected by an adult.
We ask that children read a minimum of four times each week, for 25 minutes - this will help them to become a 'Millionaire Reader'. Children must bring their reading books and Reading Records to school with them, each day. Reading Records will be checked regularly in school, to see where children are up to with their reading. We will check on the amounts of reads per week each Monday, when children will be awarded Dojos for their efforts. When children complete their book, they will be able to quiz on it in school, and we will begin the millionaire word challenge.
Times tables
Everyone has their own login for Times Table Rockstars. Please spend some time on TT Rockstars as often as you can. The children that spend more time on it become really fast at recalling times table and division facts. Login details are in the front of the reading records. The children can practise all times tables in the garage, they can practise a chosen times table in the jamming session and they can build up their speed for the leader board in the studio.
Children in Year 3 will have PE/Games lessons on Monday afternoons. Each Monday, children will need to come into school in P.E. kit (P.E. pumps are to remain in school, on your child's peg).
Milk and toast can be ordered online for the term: toast is £1 per week and milk can be ordered via ‘’ for £1.30 per week. Those children not wanting milk or toast can bring a healthy snack, as an alternative.
Water bottles
Water bottles are now provided by school, so children don't need to worry about bringing those back and forth.
Celebration Assembly
Celebration Assembly is on a Friday morning, we will celebrate our achievements of the week. If children have any awards or achievements they have received outside of school, we encourage them to bring in their certificates, medals etc. to be celebrated with us in school each Friday.
Thank you for your support,
Miss Hilton and Mrs Pritchard