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Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mrs Rimmer

Reception class teacher

Year Four - Mrs Rimmer and Mrs Hurst

Welcome to our class page. 

Here are just a few reminders...

Start and Finish Times

8:50 am - children to enter school grounds where they will be welcomed into class by a member of staff

8:55 am - our school day begins

3:15 pm - school ends - children collected from the playground


Please can I remind you that all reading is to be logged into your child's reading journal by parents in time for Monday, when Mrs Hurst will be checking everyone's reading progress over the previous week.

Please note that your child is required to read at least 4 times during the week - for a minimum of 20 minutes each time, with support from an adult.

Remember, reading at least 4 times each week not only supports your learning but will earn your team Dojos and of course will count towards becoming a millionaire reader!

Those children who do not provide evidence of reading each Monday will be required to read through their play times until evidence has been provided. 

TT Rockstars

In addition to their home reading, children need to be accessing the TTRS app/ website to practise their multiplication skills. This is essential and children will need to complete 3 sessions each week (each session should only be for 5 minutes). Again, those children who do not complete this at home will need to miss part of their breaktimes to catch up. 

Multiplication check

In June, the children in Year 4 will be taking part in the official multiplication check.

he multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

Children will be asked 25 times table questions and will have 6 seconds to answer each question. 

PE Afternoons

Our PE afternoon is on a Tuesday, each week. It is important that each Tuesday, children come into school wearing a games kit (jogging pants/leggings, their P.E. top and their school jumper - shorts and vests can be worn underneath their games' kit in the event of it being a hot day). 


This year, children in Year 4 will be taking part in swimming lessons at the Ashton Leisure Centre during the Autumn and Spring Terms. Our first lesson will be on Tuesday 12th September. Children should still wear their P.E. kits on those days and bring with them a swimming costume/ trunks (no loose shorts or bikinis), a towel and goggles (if desired). Long hair must be tied back and children should not be wearing earrings or bring any aerosols. Children are also welcome to bring a healthy snack which will be consumed when we return to school. 

Scotmans Flash 

The class will visit Scotmans Flash to take part in a variety of water-based activities, including kayaking, canoeing, raft-building, etc. during the Summer term.

Water bottles

School will provide a water bottle for your child - this will be kept in school and refilled throughout the day.

Celebration Assembly

Our whole school Celebration Assemblies are on Friday mornings. You will be informed of your child's success via School Spider/ email, should your child be receiving an award that week.

Tuck (Toast & Milk)

Tuck money is paid for electronically through the School Spider app. 


If there is anything else that you wish to ask about, please contact the school office and leave me a message - I will get back to you as soon as I can. 

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