Pastoral care
Hello, I am Mrs Hilton, I am the Children's Pastoral Lead at Bryn, St.Peter's.
I thoroughly enjoy my role here at Bryn, St.Peter's because it is so varied and extremely rewarding, there is never a dull moment!
Here is what I do:-
- I support children that may have barriers to learning which are social or emotional.
- I work alongside all staff members to support our pupils in their learning journey.
- I can offer support and advice to families that may have concerns about their children at home and signpost families on to outside agencies for further support if it is required.
- I am available for the children that need me during breaks and lunchtimes.
- I run after-school clubs such as cookery clubs and transition groups.
- I am always on hand first thing in the morning and at the end of the day to liaise with parents
- I offer a breakfast nurture group